In partnership with Healthy Waterways and the Department of Environment Heritage Protection, OCCA recently completed an 18 month project researching the behaviours for littering and illegal dumping in the Rocklea – Stable Swamp Creek Industrial Area.

In five sites across the Rocklea – Stable Swamp Creek Industrial Area, litter was collected, removed and documented by OCCA and a team of volunteers. Recent follow-up surveys were undertaken in September showing promising results with a significant decrease in litter and illegal dumping.

OCCA will continue to work with businesses and volunteers to maintain clean streets, drains and waterways, through hosting events such as Clean-up Australia Day, undertaking litter audits, reporting illegal dumping to Council and engaging with local business. Local business can help support this initiative through the CreekWatch Program. Please contact OCCA if you would like to be help keep Oxley Creek Catchment beautiful.