
Donating to OCCA is a great way to show your commitment to the catchment. We are an award winning environmental organisation that relies on the support of our community, volunteers and grants. Every donation, no matter how small or large, helps!

Donations over $2 may be tax deductible.


Donation Payment Options
Cheque or Money order payments can be made out to the Oxley Creek Catchment Association Inc. (ABN: 70 846 961 978) and sent to P.O.Box 217 Sherwood Qld 4075.

For Direct Deposit please use the following details:

  • Bank Australia – A/c name: OCCA Public Gift Fund
  • BSB: 313 140
  • Account No: 1200 9115
  • For all Direct Deposits, please use your surname as a reference when making a payment

All payments will receive a tax deductible receipt. Thank you for your support!